Contohnya, kongres membuat rang undang-undang seperti Digital MilenniumAct yang merupakan kompromi antara service provider, pemegang hak cipta dan pengguna.
Tetapi kini, mahkamah persekutuan telah membuat preseden dengan cuba memberi intepretasinya sendiri - sudah jadi 2 pihak sekarang. Mahkamah dan juga kongres.
The conservatives on the Supreme Court have long warned about just this dynamic. And while I remain a skeptic about deferring to Congress on constitutional matters, this case is a powerful lesson about the costs of judicial policy making in an area as complex as copyright. The Internet will now face years of uncertainty before this fundamental question about the meaning of a decade-old legislative deal gets resolved.
No doubt the justices are clever, maybe even more clever than Congress. But however clever, it’s hard to believe that their input is worth the millions in economic value that will be wasted long before they announce their decision.